Tuesday, August 08, 2006


This makes the end of my assignment. It is such a relief to actually finish it on time. I have been introduced to the world of blogging few years back but I never knew that blogging for this assignment would be so difficult.

My regular blog is so much easier as it is based on my feelings on a thing and my daily happenings. As for this blog assignment, everything revolves around critiques and reviews.

I have acquired several skills from this assignment. One would be how to search for reliable sources for references. Second would be responsible for what I have said here on this blog. This is because I too have taken words from others for references. As they are also responsible for their work, I too have to do the same. Thirdly would be about design principles. I do not know that to design a web page, the designer have to take so many things into considerations. I would have just design it as I wish and place it where ever I want. But I am so wrong. Designing a web page takes into account a number of things.

I personally have made my stand as a blogger in the critiques/responses. I not only make my stand, I also have to further explain why. I also have to think about the layout of the blog and not only reading it because I am interested to read the blog.

This assignment is an interesting assignment. It may be difficult but the journey was worth it.

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